Our Worship Service

Lord's Day Services

Lord’s Day
10:30 am Sabbath school and adult Bible class
11:30 am Morning worship
6:00 pm Prayer meeting and young people’s CY
6:30 pm Evening worship


We Gather Every Lord’s Day

If you are unfamiliar with our form of worship, this short introduction will explain what to expect at a typical worship service on the Lord’s day each week. You are most welcome to join with us in the worship of God.

Call to worship The pastor may open with a Call to Worship – a verse or two of Scripture to focus our minds on the worship of God.

Psalms Three to four Psalms are sung during the service, often preceded by a brief introduction and occasionally an exposition which explains the background of a Psalm. A Psalter and Bible can be provided as you enter the building.

Prayer The Pastor will lead in prayer. At the evening service a member of the congregation may sometimes lead in intercessory prayer for a particular matter, e.g., missions, the work of other congregations, etc.

Children At the morning service the younger children may go to the front for a short children’s address. The children are present for the main service. There are facilities available for parents with younger children and nursing infants where the service is relayed.

Offering An offering is taken up for the work of ministry and upkeep of the property. This is an opportunity for members to tithe to the work of the Lord.

Reading / Sermon The Scriptures are read and a passage is expounded during the course of the sermon that follows.

Benediction The service ends with a Benediction – a brief blessing.

If you have any questions or concerns the pastor or any of the elders will be willing to give their assistance.