About RPC
The Reformed Presbyterian Church traces its roots directly to the Scottish Covenanters; Christians who were persecuted for their faith in the 1600s. Some of them, our spiritual ancestors, settled in Ireland. There are also Reformed Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and Cyprus. Of course, just because an institution has been around for centuries does not necessarily mean that it has anything relevant to say to the present.Our STORY
Our Roots
The Reformed Presbyterian Church traces its roots directly to the Scottish Covenanters; Christians who were persecuted for their faith in the 1600s. Some of them, our spiritual ancestors, settled in Ireland. There are also Reformed Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and Cyprus. Of course, just because an institution has been around for centuries does not necessarily mean that it has anything relevant to say to the present.
We are convinced, however, that we have the most timely and vital message for our world. What makes us so confident of this is that the message we proclaim is from the living God who created us. He has spoken to the human race in the Bible; an infallible book that teaches us what to believe about God and how He wants us to live. This God-given book is our supreme authority for all of life.
What is the Bible’s message?
The Bible teaches that God created human beings in His image, so that every person is of immense value in His sight. But the human race is in rebellion against God and headed for judgment. In staggering mercy, God has provided a way of rescue from this horrific fate. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life and suffer judgment on the cross for all those who come to trust in Him. It is possible for anyone, no matter who they are, to enter into a wonderful relationship with God through repentance and faith in Christ, the Saviour of sinners. This Lord Jesus reigns today over the universe as the risen King. His rule extends to every area of life: personal, family, church and national. To follow and serve Him is the only way to true life and happiness.
What has our church to offer you?
We can offer you a friendly welcome. Our Lord’s great commandment is that we should love one another and we try to make this a priority in our lives. We can offer you simple, biblical worship. We meet each Lord’s Day to sing praise, pray and hear God’s Word read and explained. Like Christ Himself and the New Testament Church we sing Psalms – inspired, beautiful, instructive and satisfying – the inheritance of Christians everywhere. We can offer you solid teaching. You will hear the Word preached in a clear, contemporary way that will, by God’s help, inform your mind and touch your heart, so transforming your life. We can offer you prayerful and practical support and a variety of enriching activities throughout the week.
For Christ’s Crown & Covenant
What do these words mean which emblazon the blue banner of the Covenanter Church?
The history of the Reformed Presbyterian Church is portrayed as being interwoven with the period of struggle for the applied truth of God’s word and the recognised authority of the Lord Jesus Christ as King over the Church and all His other appointed spheres of reign.
The story of the Reformed Presbyterian Church was very familiar to a former generation through popular novels which portrayed the scenes of battlefield drama and the trials of martyrdom. The truth amidst the historical drama is one of ordinary Christians refusing to renounce their faith or to deny Christ as their King.
We believe that there are many people in our area who are searching for something that will make life more meaningful. We are convinced that in Jesus Christ, whom you will meet in our worship, teaching and fellowship, you will find the true meaning of life.
– Pastor Warren Peel
Who We Are
Our Pastor: Rev. Warren Peel B.A M.Th. 2012 – Present
Formerly the Pastor of Ballyclabber RPC, Pastor Peel was installed as minister of the Trinity congregation on 19th Oct. 2012. He teaches Biblical Greek and New Testament Studies at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast and has co-authored a book with his wife Ruth on relationships.
Email: warrenpeel@trinityrpc.com

Trinity Session and Deacons